Potsdam is the city of the Kings and Kaisers, having housed their vast army as well as being home to their most famous palaces. Just outside the city limits of Berlin, this garrison city was the jewel of the Prussian Empire ( Referenced from The Sandemans berlin tours page)
Potsdam is just such an amazing area that is about an hour by train outside of Berlin, all throughout Potsdam there are so many fantastic amazing buildings, there is a pretty amazing Dutch quarter area
there as well, which is awesome just with the styling of the buildings, the dutch came to Potsdam to help with being able to build on land that was swamp land and turning it into what Potsdam is now.
Throughout the Neue garten, there are so many different amazing sites through there too look at especially some of the many palaces, not that i managed to get to see them all though, but the ones that i did see where just stunning.
There is also a pretty cool Gothic library there as well which has french and also german literature inside it :).
One of the first palaces i saw was Cecilienhof Palace this palace was the residence of the Crown prince William and also his wife Cecilie, this is also the final Hohenzollern palace building that was also created in the style of an english country house. and also it was the site of the Potsdam Conference where the three powerful leaders after wwii discussed what to do with Berlin in 1945.
The next palace was the Marble Palace King Frederick William II had the is palace built on the banks of the Heiliger See from 1787-91, this palace can be counted among the most important early neoclassical buildings in Prussia.
There are so many other stunning places to look at around this whole area and of course including Sanssouci Palace
there is also a lovely looking church the is situated not too far away from the Sanssouci Palace, the church is called Church of Peace which was built between 1845-54 King Frederick William IV and his wife Queen Elisabeth were laid to rest here.